Experience a warm, inviting viewing facility with room for up to 8-10 family members or guests to share in your joy. Take home a video and images of your ultrasound session to share with your loved ones and to reminisce for years to come.
Growing Joy Imaging - Prenatal Imaging Center for Elective Ultrasound
Welcome to Growing Joy Imaging, where you can capture an early glimpse of the "Bundle of Joy" you are about to receive via 2D/3D/4D/5D HD Live Elective Ultrasounds...
2D Ultrasound
2 dimensional images are one of the most commonly used for diagnostic imaging. The image is essentially a slice through the mother. It's called a 2D image as we can only see two dimensions - left/right and up/down. The 2D image is built by firing a sound beam down, waiting for the return echoes, and then firing a new pulse at a slightly different angle. This continues until an arc is swept. Combining the data from each line after the arc is swept gives the 2D image. A standard 2D ultrasound listens to sound waves on only one plane, which results in a flat, two-dimensional image.
3D Ultrasound
Instead of just seeing a slice through the mother, the images can show a surface -
essentially adding depth (3D) to the 2D image. A 3D ultrasound emits sound at multiple angles and then uses an algorithmic process called surface rendering to interpret the sound waves and create a 3D image. While 2D ultrasounds are useful for examining an infant’s internal organs, more and more expectant parents are opting for 3D ultrasound because it results in an image that allows parents to view their baby’s body and facial features with much more detail than offered by 2D.
4D Ultrasound
The term 4D refers to the addition of video to three dimensional scans. 3D imaging allows fetal structures and internal anatomy to be visualized as static 3D images. However, 4D ultrasound allows us to add live streaming video of the images, showing the baby in motion. Real-time 4D live-motion imaging is the continuous three-dimensional scanning of the baby with the option of simultaneous 2D imaging. 4D goes beyond the boundaries of traditional ultrasound and opens the 4th dimension of real-time video so that you can see your baby moving in 3D.
5D HD Live Ultrasound
HD live is an extraordinary rendering method generating amazingly realistic images of the human fetus from sonographic data. Through the use of an advanced illumination model, HDLive supports shadows, a virtual light source and advanced skin rendering techniques.HD live ultrasound technology uses a unique and moveable light source
inside the probe that not only provides both 3D and 4D imaging, but “lights up” the baby, making it possible for soon-to-be-parents to see the facial expressions of their child, and even watch their baby yawn, wink and smile.
2D Ultrasound
2 dimensional images are one of the most commonly used for diagnostic imaging. The image is essentially a slice through the mother. It's called a 2D image as we can only see two dimensions - left/right and up/down. The 2D image is built by firing a sound beam down, waiting for the return echoes, and then firing a new pulse at a slightly different angle. This continues until an arc is swept. Combining the data from each line after the arc is swept gives the 2D image. A standard 2D ultrasound listens to sound waves on only one plane, which results in a flat, two-dimensional image.
3D Ultrasound
Instead of just seeing a slice through the mother, the images can show a surface -
essentially adding depth (3D) to the 2D image. A 3D ultrasound emits sound at multiple angles and then uses an algorithmic process called surface rendering to interpret the sound waves and create a 3D image. While 2D ultrasounds are useful for examining an infant’s internal organs, more and more expectant parents are opting for 3D ultrasound because it results in an image that allows parents to view their baby’s body and facial features with much more detail than offered by 2D.
4D Ultrasound
The term 4D refers to the addition of video to three dimensional scans. 3D imaging allows fetal structures and internal anatomy to be visualized as static 3D images. However, 4D ultrasound allows us to add live streaming video of the images, showing the baby in motion. Real-time 4D live-motion imaging is the continuous three-dimensional scanning of the baby with the option of simultaneous 2D imaging. 4D goes beyond the boundaries of traditional ultrasound and opens the 4th dimension of real-time video so that you can see your baby moving in 3D.
5D HD Live Ultrasound
HD live is an extraordinary rendering method generating amazingly realistic images of the human fetus from sonographic data. Through the use of an advanced illumination model, HDLive supports shadows, a virtual light source and advanced skin rendering techniques.HD live ultrasound technology uses a unique and moveable light source
inside the probe that not only provides both 3D and 4D imaging, but “lights up” the baby, making it possible for soon-to-be-parents to see the facial expressions of their child, and even watch their baby yawn, wink and smile.
2D Ultrasound
2 dimensional images are one of the most commonly used for diagnostic imaging. The image is essentially a slice through the mother. It's called a 2D image as we can only see two dimensions - left/right and up/down. The 2D image is built by firing a sound beam down, waiting for the return echoes, and then firing a new pulse at a slightly different angle. This continues until an arc is swept. Combining the data from each line after the arc is swept gives the 2D image. A standard 2D ultrasound listens to sound waves on only one plane, which results in a flat, two-dimensional image.
3D Ultrasound
Instead of just seeing a slice through the mother, the images can show a surface -
essentially adding depth (3D) to the 2D image. A 3D ultrasound emits sound at multiple angles and then uses an algorithmic process called surface rendering to interpret the sound waves and create a 3D image. While 2D ultrasounds are useful for examining an infant’s internal organs, more and more expectant parents are opting for 3D ultrasound because it results in an image that allows parents to view their baby’s body and facial features with much more detail than offered by 2D.
4D Ultrasound
The term 4D refers to the addition of video to three dimensional scans. 3D imaging allows fetal structures and internal anatomy to be visualized as static 3D images. However, 4D ultrasound allows us to add live streaming video of the images, showing the baby in motion. Real-time 4D live-motion imaging is the continuous three-dimensional scanning of the baby with the option of simultaneous 2D imaging. 4D goes beyond the boundaries of traditional ultrasound and opens the 4th dimension of real-time video so that you can see your baby moving in 3D.
5D HD Live Ultrasound
HD live is an extraordinary rendering method generating amazingly realistic images of the human fetus from sonographic data. Through the use of an advanced illumination model, HDLive supports shadows, a virtual light source and advanced skin rendering techniques.HD live ultrasound technology uses a unique and moveable light source
inside the probe that not only provides both 3D and 4D imaging, but “lights up” the baby, making it possible for soon-to-be-parents to see the facial expressions of their child, and even watch their baby yawn, wink and smile.
An Ultrasound Package for Every Budget!
View our ultrasound packages ranging from our low-cost First Trimester Joy Package to our more comprehensive Ultimate Joyful Package. Components vary from 2-D Ultrasound to 5-D HD Video, depending on the package you choose. Click on the button below to learn more!